Stick-On Face Masks - Earch's Salone de Mask Was Specifically Created to Support Hairdressers (

Moisture, friction and wearing a mask for a prolonged period of time add up to a recipe for irritation, especially around the mouth and behind the ears—and this new face mask offers an
innovative solution that addresses this problem and others. Japanese hair salon Earch developed a stick-on face mask that totally eliminates straps and instead uses adhesive strips on the jawline and cheekbones. These masks were created by the salon so that hairdressers can give clients haircuts without the straps getting in the way or having the mask completely obscure features and mess up the fine details of a style.

The Salone de Masks also help to facilitate communication between hairdresser and client, thanks to the fact that the design is sheer and expressions can be seen through the mask.

Image Credit: Earch

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