I Asked Our Editors to Choose Their #1 Tatcha Product—Here Are Their Favorites

There are certain brands whose fans are so dedicated and enthusiastic that they reach cult status. Clean skincare brand Tatcha has reached this level (and then some). Inspired and informed by

Japanese beauty practices, Tatcha works with scientists in Japan and the U.S. to create gentle, yet effective formulas. Incorporating the trinity of superfoods credited with Japanese longevity—green tea, rice, and algae—Tatcha focuses on clean, minimal formulas that are good for your skin. 

Obsessed doesn't even begin to describe the passion their customers feel about Tatcha's products. One scan through its website and you'll discover many of the brand's best sellers have thousands of glowing reviews. The brand's less-is-more approach to skincare is one of the reasons Tatcha has developed such a dedicated fanbase, and even our editors aren't immune to the allure (hey, we're only human).

Since diving into any new brand can be overwhelming, especially one that has so many hero products, I decided to ask our editors to share their favorite Tatcha products. I also took a scan through their reviews to highlight the top products according to customers and share some of what they're saying about each one. Below are the best Tatcha products, according to both our editors and reviewers. 

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