35 Expensive-Looking Camel Pieces to Snag Before They Sell Out

Every year right about now, we start talking about camel. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it really is the best fall neutral as it looks expensive, goes

with everything, and never goes out of style. There, we got that out of the way. There's no lack of camel pieces on the market for fall, which indicates that brands are onto our insatiable thirst for fall camel pieces. But with that comes inevitable decisions to make because we can't have a closet full of camel (or can we?...).

We scoured the internet for one thing and one thing alone: camel pieces that look expensive but aren't. We narrowed it down as much as we possibly could and what we had left were these 35 no-brainer buys. Whether you're looking for camel coats, boots, sweaters, or dresses (to name a few), we found the best wallet-friendly versions from some of your favorite brands. Good luck deciding what to order—we helped as much as we possibly could.

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