The Staples Fashion Girls From New York and L.A. Can't Stop Wearing

Constantly switching out seasonal clothes is enough of a headache (sorry, but I'd rather use that time to watch Netflix and eat plates of pasta), so when I can find pieces

that work all year round, I'm fully on board. Not only does it make economical sense, but it's also much more rewarding to be able to rely on my favorite staples that work beyond seasons and spikes in temperature. This means clothing that feels relevant in a variety of settings, such as casual get-togethers and office events—varying time zones included. In that vein, I've been looking at the pieces stylish people from both New York and L.A. are wearing right now. To my surprise, both tribes are gravitating toward the same things.

Right now in New York, it's a rainy 50-something degrees. Meanwhile, three time zones away in sunny L.A., people have yet to break out a real coat in the dry heat. On the subject of versatility, there's really no better testament to an item's seasonless appeal than the fact that it could be worn on both coasts—at the same time. For a full report of the finds that seem to work in any circumstance, keep scrolling ahead.

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