The One Color That Makes Every Outfit Look Triple the Price

camel outfit ideas



We have a question for you. When you think of the color that’s dominated both runways and social

feeds, which hue pops into your mind? Is it kelly green? Cobalt blue? Or how about bubblegum pink? Sure, the fashion set has adopted recent color trends with zeal, but we know for a fact there’s one neutral tone that survives season after season. Spoiler, it’s not black. Before you balk, let us reintroduce you to the unsung hero of every wardrobe: camel. Of course, devout minimalists have profound faith in what this color can do, but what about the fans of a statement color? How should camel-colored pieces fit into everyone’s wardrobe?

Ahead, we’ve rounded up 18 camel outfit ideas that prove this tint is timeless and is every stylish person’s secret weapon to looking great year-round sans effort.

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