Not Me Telling You to Shop These 30 Items Just Because

Most Wanted is a weekly series in which one editor, staffer, or influencer shares their top 30 must-haves or current wish-list items.

There are two types of friends in the world:

those who talk you out of purchases and those who support every shopping expedition with enthusiasm. To no one's surprise, I fall in the latter group, and I'm proud of it. The world needs more people to cheer them on and make them feel more confident in their shopping habits—no matter the price tag. So I'm here with a roundup of 30 of the best fashion and beauty picks I've come across that are 100% worth your attention (and money). I swear this list has something for everyone, be it the chic matte claw clips or the not-so-practical beaded top that sparks major joy. Keep scrolling to get started.

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