I really don't like going shopping with my sister. Don't get me wrong. I love her—so much. But I don't love shopping with her. And that's because whenever we go into a
When I'm shopping, in stores or online, I know exactly what brands I like, which brands I don't, which styles I like, which styles I don't, etc. Most of the time, I can walk into a store and immediately take one scan around the room and know if I will find something I like. When I shop online, I go to one of my favorite sites—Shopbop —and open five tabs. That's it.
Okay, I'll admit that it is fun to browse through sites and shops and discover different brands or find new styles or trends. But when it comes to saving time and finding something reliable, I like to stick to what I know. And in this case, it's Shopbop and these five brands.
And Lily, if you are reading this, maybe I'll go shopping with you soon. Maybe.