If you’re anything like me, it’s likely you currently have one of your token, beloved designer bags tucked away in your closet. For me, it's the Chloé Faye Bag that I eyed forever and
Upon recently experiencing the nightmare of getting a stain on my suede bag (I live in New York—it was bound to happen eventually), I frantically scoured the internet for tips and tricks to restore my baby back to its pristine condition. It turns out, cleaning a suede bag is not as difficult as I once thought. It simply requires specific, precise steps and tools (you may already have them in your kitchen!) and the know-how to treat the material properly.
With the following tools and tips, you can easily bring your suede bag back to its former glory—or ensure your currently clean carry-all maintains it’s perfection condition for years to come. Keep reading to find out how to clean a suede bag and remove everything from dirt to stains and even gum.