5 Trends I Hardly Ever Wear Anymore (and 5 I've Been Favoring Instead)

Anyone who spends a lot of time with me knows that I’m not one to really switch up my style. Not only do I like to wear versions of the same

thing—jeans and a tee—nearly every day, but my tendencies fall on the simpler side, with basics making up the bulk of my wardrobe and statement pieces earning more of a small, supporting role. This is why, whether I retire a trend or adopt a new one (as it usually takes me a while to warm up to them), it’s a pretty big deal.

So since we’re at the start of the year and all about new beginnings, I figured I’d update you on the trends I’m all about right now as well as those which will stay in 2021—for now. To read about all 10 as well as see and shop the five I'm wearing right now and in the months ahead, just keep scrolling. 

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