Celeb Stylists Rank the Best Underwear Brands That Will Last the Longest

Celebrity stylists are responsible for dreaming up gorgeous outfits that make the A-listers they work with feel confident and comfortable for the red carpet, events, and the like. While a particular

dress or tailored silhouette is key to that sartorial success, appropriate undergarments are also of utmost importance. After all, dressing does begin with the items you put on first—underwear.

While we’ve covered a few of the specific underwear styles celeb stylists swear by in the past, we thought we’d dig a little deeper into the key brands this in-the-know group recommends (and sometimes wears) not just for comfort but for quality—aka brands that actually last. Because come on, we all get frustrated when we think we invested in a legit pair of underwear, only to find it coming apart after the third time washing it.

So with all that in mind, keep scrolling to check out how stylists rank the top underwear brands out there in reference to those that actually (truly) last the longest, are comfortable, and have the ability to be unseen and lay flat against the body. Oh, and fun fact—you'll see a lot of similarities among each of their must-have brands below. Ahem, Commando...

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