There is a popular saying that a woman carries her life in her handbag, but in my case, that’s not entirely true. I carry my life in my wallet. From the
obvious items, such as my ID and credit cards, to my very important Cha Cha Matcha stamp card that provides a free drink with every 10 purchases, I often resort to simply carrying around my wallet instead of my entire handbag when I’m seeking convenience. That being said, when I do choose to carry my Chanel bag with me, there is a simple pleasure to be gained from reaching into it to pay for my matcha latte and pulling out… a matching Chanel wallet. The devil is in the details, and in this case, that detail is a finely made, exquisitely stitched leather wallet.
Often providing an affordable access point to a luxury brand, a classic designer wallet is an elegant and easy way to upgrade your accessories. As young adult women living in the fashion world, it’s high time we ditch our bulky wallets bursting at the seams with coins and receipts we’ve kept since college and replace them with sleek, compact wallets that only carry the necessities. Below, we’ve rounded up the best designer wallets so you can make the transition faster than your friends will compliment you on your new purchase.