9 Affordable Places Women Actually Buy Work Clothes

We know the words "office dressing" don't tend to conjure up much excitement. Chalk it up to company dress codes or the general disenchantment with the idea of putting on an outfit just

to sit in a cubicle, but waking up and dressing for work can feel particularly uninspiring. Luckily enough, it doesn't have to be. At Who What Wear, we've found that one of the best resources for a refresh is from our cool and creative readers, which is why we tapped our Who What Wear Insiders Facebook group to find out the best stores for business casual work clothes (that are actually affordable).

Below, you'll find a breakdown from women who work across different industries and encounter dress codes that range from techie-relaxed (think jeans and hoodies) to ultra-formal (we're looking at you, lawyers). Armed with the insider shopping knowledge from other women who have been deep in the work-dressing doldrums, you'll have a little spark to help inspire your Monday-to-Friday dressing. So check out their takes on the best stores to buy work clothes—and what to keep an eye out for at each. 

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