You'll Always Get Compliments When You Wear This Type of Perfume in the Winter

You'll Always Get Compliments When You Wear This Type of Perfume in the Winter

Ahead of the colder weather, we often find ourselves overhauling any and every ritual associated

with the warmer spring and summer months. On the fashion side, that means developing a new rotation of shoes and replacing tanks with sweaters. Where beauty is concerned, it can mean swapping your lightweight, gel-based products for a heavier skincare routine. We find ourselves so far down these rabbit holes that it can be easy to overlook the need to swap our summery fragrances for the best perfumes of the season. However, the task becomes pretty easy once you’re in on the secret behind compliments all winter long: amber perfumes. 

Okay, so what’s an amber perfume, and why do you need it? Do you know how, every year, certain things leave you with a warm, fuzzy feeling that reminds you that the holiday season is near (maybe it’s a song or a movie)? Amber perfume is that feeling in a bottle, which explains why people will immediately flock to you when you’re wearing it. Who doesn’t want to be instantly lifted into the holiday spirit, especially this year? 

In truth, amber is often not an actual perfume ingredient but instead is a full-bodied, savory scent created with the combination of some key ingredients. Think comforting touches of vanilla and patchouli. In a nutshell, it’s your “cuddle up by a fire, end-of-year happy place” fragrance. While you won't be short of amber perfumes to fall in love with if you adore woodsy, aromatic scents, we rounded up the 10 you should consider first, just in case.

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