Want Better Mental Health And Sleep Into The New Year? Try Our 5-Step Checklist

Dealing with the pandemic and juggling work, kids, and our personal lives during these times have affected us all, and this high stress can definitely affect our mental health, which can

affect our sleep quality. So it’s no surprise that many of us find ourselves struggling to get good restful sleep during these super stressful times.

Sleep problems can be pretty common among people who suffer from anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions. Being a person who suffers from both generalized anxiety disorder and depression… I have had my fair share of sleepless nights. You also may find yourself waking up feeling tired, waking up during the night, struggling to get to sleep, or waking up too early.

Want Better Mental Health And Sleep? Try Our 5-Step Checklist
Illustration by grmarc2

It’s important to learn to practice self-care. What self-care means to you can mean so many different things, but the main goal of the term (and practice) of self-care is to prioritize yourself and do what makes you feel good. Whether that means pampering yourself with something indulgent or engaging in activities, you enjoy, finding what brings you joy can help improve your mental health and make getting restful sleep at night that much easier!

We are always hunting for new therapeutic tools to improve our mind, body, and soul. So we thought we would put together a self-care checklist, specifically for getting a better, more restful night’s sleep.

Self Care Checklist For Better Mental Health & Restful Sleep

Have A Tried & True Nighttime Routine… & Stick To It!

mattresses for plus size bodies
@readytostare for @bigfigmattress

Have an easy nighttime routine that you can look forward to without much thought! Most of us have things we frequently do at night before bed, but having it in a specific order and doing it every night will “train” your mind and body to get into sleep mode!

Nightime Journaling.

If anxious thoughts are keeping you up at night, consider keeping a journal next to your bed so you can write them down, put them out of your mind for the night, and deal with them in the daytime.

Full transparency, sometimes, I use the notes app on my phone to jot down quick thoughts that are in my head and causing me anxiety and stress. Sometimes just the act of writing it down can feel like such an emotional weight is being lifted from you! So give it a try and let me know if you feel the same way, too!

Ensure That Your Bed Is Comfortable!

Shawna V for Big Fig Mattress

Make your bed, your sanctuary. First, of course, it would help if you had a quiet, dark, and calm space to sleep in with a mattress that meets your needs. Next, invest in a high-quality bed, like Big Fig or Titan mattresses, which are specifically designed for plus size bodies.

The hybrid mattress supports the needs of larger bodies and is built to last. Don’t forget to have some comfortable sheets and pillows to go along with it, too!

Relieve Your Stress!

Image by Zinkevych

Worry and stress can keep you up at night. Stress relief, including relaxation techniques and therapy, can help you sleep better. A warm bath before bed, yoga, aromatherapy, stretching, and meditation are all ways to relieve stress and anxiety before you go to sleep.

Limit Your Screen Time

Late-night screen time doesn’t prepare your mind to wind down and relax to get ready for sleep (unfortunately). Watching TV or watching TikToks for an hour before bed at night negatively influences your circadian rhythm and can leave you too alert. It’s best to shut down devices at least one hour before bed.

Image by atlasstudio

It’s easy to put other priorities above sleep, but life is just more challenging when you haven’t rested well. So, if you can, give yourself the time you need to sleep well and make sure your sleep environment brings you peace.

Do you have a nighttime routine that helps you get great sleep? What are some tips you have for better quality sleep?

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