Influencers Over Size 28 On The Changes They Want To See In Plus Fashion

Influencers Over Size 28 On The Changes They Want To See In Plus Fashion

Size MATTERS! Yep, you heard me. For a plus-size girl like me, I want the brands I am throwing my dollars at to include sizes larger than a 3xL. For years,

influencers over size 28 have always talked about the needed changes in plus-size fashion. Like, why are brands who don’t even use real plus-size mannequins trying to sell “wide fit shoes?”? #QTNA

And yes, fashion is more inclusive nowadays, but for the longest time, the most known brands weren’t going over a size 3x. Anything else was considered *whispers* extended sizes.

Let’s hear about what some influencers over size 28 think on changes they want to see in plus fashion!

Fat People Need Clothing

Self Care
Corissa Enneking

One of the popular influencers over size 28, Fat Girl Flow, posted a blog shining a light on clothing brands who cater to sizes 28+. Corissa sees how most brands won’t include these sizes, yet she sees women who rock 28+ almost every day.

One thing she put perfectly, “Fat people need clothing. Fat WOMEN need clothing.” You would think during this time, there would be endless brands to name, but nope!

Corissa’s lists include Universal Standard, Daily Ritual, Catherine’s, and more. A lot of brands, that many women may not know carry a larger range of sizes.

One thing I know for sure is that WE NEED MORE PLUS SIZE STORES CARRYING OVER SIZE 28!!!

-Corissa Enneking

A helpful guide to women everywhere!

[Women] Want to be Able to Visualize What the Clothes will Look Like on Them

Influencers Over Size 28
Lisa Schoenberger

Influencers over size 28 such asLisa Schoenberger believe that representation of women who are over a size 28 will help combat sizeism. In addition, it shows the world that plus-size women come in all sizes.

It breaks my heart sometimes to see the comments women post on photos of me that are shared by brands. They are desperately looking to be able to identify with someone who is wearing the clothes that they are buying. They want to be able to visualize what the clothes will look like on them.

Lisa Schoenberger

Limiting clothing to a certain size shows how larger sizes are still overlooked and understand, women want to see more representation.

The Intended Customer is Actually Me

Plus-size influencer Rebecca told Bustle that the visibility of a 28+ woman makes her know the intended customer is actually her.

The first time I saw bloggers my size, I realized that I could participate in fashion too. And it unlocked a lot of possibilities for me. I imagine the same would happen for customers.

Rebecca of @ThePlusSideOfMe to Bustle.

My hope is the plus-size community’s request for fashions 28+ are heard and brands make serious changes. There is an entire group of men and women who are not properly represented and that needs to change.

Do you know a brand that carries sizes 28+ that deserves recognition? Comment them below!

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