Wake Up Curvy Boss! 7 Tips For a Vibrant Fall Themed Home Office

Wake Up Curvy Boss! 7 Tips For a Vibrant Fall Themed Home Office

When working from home, your home office is everything! Whether you are working for yourself or for someone else, it is super easy to lose interest or get way too comfortable

in an unproductive space!

So many people who have been working from home since 2020 have complained about their office space at home, not completely satisfied or motivated to be productive.

Productivity is important in being an entrepreneur or an employee. I have learned through my many years of working at home that if I don’t set my workstation, get dressed, or purposely have a good breakfast in the morning, my day is shot!

I have noticed that working from home there are so many distractions…from the television to the kids to my worst enemy during the day, the bed! This is why it is so important to create a space that makes you feel confident, carefree, and competent.

Vibrant colors, cool trinkets, decorative plants, purposeful calendars, helpful planners, and thinking boards, really help in getting work done! And…what Curvy Boss doesn’t want to feel fierce when working?

Society can be stressful enough! Why bring the stress into your environment?

Let’s get motivated with these 7 Fall Looks for a Vibrant Home Office!

Before You “Jazz Up” Your Home Office…Organize and Clean!

I know you are excited about your office “rehaul”, BUT you must organize and clean first! Changing your office space look for the season is great, but when your paperwork and files are out of whack, trust and believe, you will be too! So, take a minute and get your stuff together! You will feel so much better and clearer to take on the world!

Let there be Light! Light up your Home Office !

The worst thing with having a home office is BAD LIGHTING!!! So many times, I have literally had to hop from space to space in my home just to find the best lighting to concentrate, read, be on a video call or even do an interview!

With that in mind, think of desk lamps that are bright and fashionable! A lamp is a great way to add style to your office space. A lamp is like a hat on your head. It can dress a space up or down.

Welcome Mother Nature…Fall Floral Decor & Scents

Fall colors are so dynamic and beautiful. Get into the mood of Autumn by adding some color to your office decor. I absolutely love cranberry reds through fall floral designs. Faux fall flowers and foliage from Michaels or even Amazon.com can really make a difference in your office space. While you are shopping for flowers, pick up a fall scented candle for a little aromatherapy. It’ll help you get through your days!

Upgrade Your Supplies…A Home Office Must

  • Splashes of Fall Color in Your Home Office

Think of complementary fall colors when shopping for office supplies! I personally love gold during the Fall. So, my stapler, paper clips, pens, clipboards, and other accessories will follow suit! I tend to do either gold or silver so I can choose other colors that will work.

Splashes of Fall Color in Your Home Office

  • Splashes of Fall Color in Your Home Office

You may be thinking how would you add splashes of color in your home office. Well, thanks for asking! Desk pads, mousepads, laptop computer skins, keyboards, oh my! The options are endless! Add a pillow, a throw blanket for when you get cold, change your curtains or simply purchase a fun coffee mug! Have fun with it and remember, color ignites. The more vibrant, the better you will feel!

Home Office Speak to Me! Motivational Pieces

  • Home Office Speak to Me! Motivational Pieces

Let’s get Motivated! You must have things within your office space that scream, “You got this!” Pictures, sayings, themed journals, etc…are all needed to get you up and moving. Motivational pieces are for those days where you just want to give up or want to be lazy and quit. We all have those days. These “not so good days” were designed so we can either (a) appreciate the good days or (b) change and make a choice towards a new path.

Items of Home Office “Convenience”

When you are in work mode and things are flowing, who wants to get up to get a beverage or snack? Who wants to worry about their cellphone dying or getting up to check their makeup before a video call? No one! So, this is what you do. Purchase convenient items that suit your fancy! From mini-refrigerators impeccably stocked to charging pads for all of your tech needs, if you can think of it, it is definitely out there!

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