9 Eyebrow Serums For Fuller, Longer Arches

Not all brows are created equal. (In fact, you might even notice that the ones on your face look slightly different from each other.) For those who are striving for fuller,

longer arches, you have options.

Eyebrow growth serums are non-prescription treatments that come with the promise of fuller-looking brows with consistent use. “They are topical products that contain ingredients like peptides, vitamins, and botanical extracts that help support healthy hair follicle activity and condition the hair itself,” says dermatologist Joshua Zeichner, M.D. Note that results don’t happen overnight and usually appear after several weeks of use.

Cosmetic chemist and FanLoveBeauty founder Ginger King explains that non-prescription eyebrow growth serums are considered cosmetics by the FDA (as opposed to drugs, which can directly promote hair growth claims). “With cosmetics, not much is permanent and brands can only make ‘appearance’ claims,” she says. Zeichner agrees and adds that data shows that some peptides used in these formulas have biological effects on follicles—creating longer-lasting results.

If you’re striving for visibly fuller brows, check out the pro-approved picks, below.

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