Olivia Rodrigo Gives us Jackie O-Meets-Gen Z at the White House

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Olivia Rodrigo is currently at the White House wearing a jacket she'd better not trade with anyone. Though, it is giving us a bit of deja vu. (Sorry.)

Being one of the most famous people in the world right now, Rodrigo paid a visit to our nation's capital on Wednesday to use her massive influence for good: According to a press blast from the White House (because, for some reason, our humble fashion site now receives press blasts from the White House), the performer is there to meet with President Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci and record videos about the importance of young people getting vaccinated, which she'll of course share with her tens of millions of young-people followers.

But before those videos even got recorded, the internet was rightfully obsessing over the paparazzi photos of her arriving at the historic building's West Wing in an outfit that can only be described as, exactly right.

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Rodrigo chose a pink tweed plaid mini-skirt suit that's both very on-brand for the pop-punk-leaning star and ideal for an 18-year-old going to meet the President of the United States. According to the multiple Instagram accounts dedicated to identifying every item Rodrigo wears, the suit is vintage Chanel — specifically from the Spring 1995 ready-to-wear collection. (Yes, it walked the runway a whole nine years before she was even born.) We guess being "all reused" isn't necessarily a bad thing when it comes to fashion. (Again, sorry.)

It looks like some adjustments were made to the look — the jacket's a bit more fitted at the waist, and the skirt a little shorter — and she accessorized with a mini bag (also Chanel?) and a pair of sky-high Giussepe Zanotti patent-leather platform mary-jane heels over black socks. The overall look is very Jackie O-meets-Gen Z. There's certainly some "Clueless" (and maybe some "Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde") energy as well.

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We'd like to formally thank Rodrigo for her service to our country, and for exercising her power to wear great outfits.

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