The Top 10 Fashion Trends We Are Seeing on Tik Tok

We all know that Tik Tok has taken the world by storm. It is the perfect app for any content creation and platform promotion. Aside from the comedians, travel advice and

dance trends #fashiontok is what you will want to follow for any of your wardrobe inspiration needs. I have spent countless hours scrolling through this app curating a capsule wardrobe in my mind that I one day hope to recreate in real life. I have enhanced my skills of building outfits around certain staple pieces that I have in my closet. Only have a classic white tee and blue jeans? Perfect! You have the best base and the only extra step needed is accessories to take it to the next level. A pair of fun sneakers and a bag that matches, but doesn’t clash, will tie the whole look together. Everyone will be thinking ‘who is that and how did they put their outfit together so perfectly.’ #Fashiontok is the best place to find all of the tips and tricks on how to do this so I have helped put together my top 10 favorite accounts.

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