Great Outfits in Fashion History: Gillian Anderson in Vampy Hervé Leger

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Gillian Anderson at the 1998 Golden Globes

There are perfectly good celebrity style moments, and then there are the looks that really stick with you, the ones you try desperately to recreate at home. In 'Great Outfits in Fashion History,' Fashionista editors are revisiting their all-time favorite lewks.

This year, actor Gillian Anderson has been collecting awards for her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher in "The Crown," dazzling every red carpet she steps onto in designs from Chloé, Dior, The Vampire's Wife and more. But this is hardly her first rodeo: In the late '90s she was also a fixture on the awards-show circuit, for her role as FBI Special Agent Dana Scully in "The X-Files."

Her most famous outfit from that era was an Eduardo Lucero dress with a thong-revealing open back, but a couple of years earlier, she wore an Hervé Leger dress to the Golden Globes that, similarly, was simple in silhouette, with an unexpected dramatic detail. In this case, it's the corseted bodice with a vampy scalloped neckline. With Anderson's red hair — coiffed old-Hollywood-style — blue eyes, red lip and delicate, sparkly choker, the overall look packs a major punch. Even decades later, the dress feels special and unique.

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You're unlikely to find a neckline quite like this one, but you can shop a few corset-style tops and dresses in the gallery below.

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