Beyoncé Posed in a Sequined Green Mini Dress and Shared a Candid Note About Turning 40

As Virgo Season comes to an end, I hope my fellow Virgos had great birthdays.

I’m so thankful for every inspiring human who took the time to send me all the beautiful

messages. I cried tears of joy and was covered in chilly bumps. Your VIDEOS, your POSTS, your countdowns, your playlists, and your well wishes I will cherish forever. I’m grateful to everyone involved, especially to the fans, for the time and level of detail it took to organize such beautiful tributes. I admire and respect all of you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This is the first year that I really understand what it means to be alive and to live in the moment. It’s the first time that I have an understanding of how fragile life truly is, how hard life can be at times, and therefore how important it is to stop and smell the roses during the good times. I thought I knew that at 21 or 30…but I didn’t. The more mature I become, the more I understand and the deeper my joy grows. There’s a freedom and liberation knowing that I’ve made it to the other side of my sacrifice. I’m finally giving myself permission enjoy the seeds I’ve worked so hard to plant my whole life.

Whoever tried to condition women to feel that we are supposed to feel old or unhappy when we turn 40 got it ALL THE WAY F’d UP.

This has absolutely been the best I’ve felt in my life. I’m so grateful to be GROWN, GROWN!

Most of y’all met me when I was 15, and we have grown up together. You bring sooooo much joy into my life. I hope my art can continue to bring a little joy into yours.

I Love You Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep

Bey (indicated by a bee illustration, naturally)

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