Must Read: Gucci Reveals Location of L.A. Show, the Rise of the New Black Glam Squad

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Gucci reveals location of upcoming Los Angeles fashion show
Gucci announced that its upcoming runway debut — dubbed "Gucci Love Parade" and slated for Nov. 2 — will take place on L.A.'s Hollywood Boulevard. According to WWD's Booth Moore, the brand will set up "in front of the TCL Chinese Theatre," and will distribute $1 million in grant funds to local organizations, including YMCA Hollywood, Sole Folks, Los Angeles College Promise, My Friend's Place, Happy Hippie Foundation and the Los Angeles LGBT Center, as part of the event. "Gucci is proud to highlight the intersection of creativity and culture within the City of Los Angeles, poised for rebirth post-pandemic," the brand said, in a statement. "As part of Gucci's Changemakers program, powered by Gucci Equilibrium, Gucci will provide significant support to the Los Angeles and Hollywood communities through a donation to the city's most critical needs: homelessness and mental health." {Fashionista Inbox/WWD}

The rise of the new Black glam squad
InBusiness of Fashion, Jason Campbell spotlights the emerging Black hair and makeup talent booking some of the biggest jobs in fashion and becoming the most sought-after artists in the industry. He speaks to Jawara, Raisa Flowers and Lacy Redway, among others, about their career trajectories, their rise to prominence and more. {Business of Fashion}

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