17 Long Coats That'll Pack a Punch on a Chilly Day

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When it comes to winter dressing, it's what's on the outside that counts. A cold weather outfit's true value lies in outerwear and its ability to keep you warm. As someone who is always cold, my years of facing harsh winters have taught me that long, floor-grazing coats are key to battling low temperatures — something about having your butt covered by a layer of wool is essential. 

There are the classic, neutral-toned maxi coats that'll transform a sweatsuit into a chic comfort-first statement or look pleasant draped over a pantsuit, and then there are the bold bunch of toppers that pack a punch on a chilly day. The latter group isn't for those that want to blend in with winter's dreary backdrop; rather, it's an outerwear movement that aims to spread vibrant color and cheer. 

Ahead, 17 long coats to help you keep warm and stand out. 

universal standard puffer
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