For all the leaps and bounds the men’s jewelry movement has taken over the last couple years—Harry Styles in pearls! Lil Nas X in dangly earrings! All the immoderately encrusted rappers
populating our YouTube channel!—the very best way to begin encrusting yourself, as it were, remains the same: with a signet ring. For eons, as far back as Mesopotamia right through to the smoky back rooms of midcentury Little Italy, men’s signet rings were worn as a marker of great status and wealth. In 2021, you don’t need to be a baron or a lord or a mafia consigliere to slide on a cool-as-hell ring. They’re more available than ever, sculpted minimalist clean or over-the-top baroque or somewhere in between, all with the exact same effect: making you seem just a little bit more mysterious and confident, more tasteful, more worth crossing the room to talk to at a party. Whether you’re adding to a growing collection of well-cut gems or just getting started in the jewelry game, here are the 24 best men’s signet rings to stack on both hands.