Must Read: Virgil Abloh Paved the Way for Future Generations, Resale Is Expected to Double in the Next Decade

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These are the stories making headlines in fashion on Monday.

Virgil Abloh paved the way for future generations  
Robin Givhan's tribute to Virgil Abloh for the Washington Post ruminates on the designer's "beautiful, but terribly short, legacy." Givhan writes of his remarkable talent, work ethic and distinctive point of view, all of which contributed to his success in the fashion industry. But he did more than create memorable clothes and collections: "The gift that he gave to aspiring Black designers was the ability to see themselves succeeding within a fashion system that had tantalized folks for generations," Givhan writes. "They could excel and thrive. And they could do so even if they were merely human." {Washington Post

Resale is expected to double in the next decade 
The next decade will be all about resale, according to a new McKinsey & Company study released Monday. The report predicts a 10% to 15% annual growth rate, putting the category on a trajectory to be valued between $65 billion and $100 billion by 2030. Several luxury players are already dipping their toes in the secondhand market, a move that WWD's Executive Editor Tara Donaldson deems as smart in a new piece about the fast-growing market. On the other hand, Donaldson writes that "brands that don't get onboard will be giving money away to platforms that will resell their goods whether they like it or not." {WWD

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How non-beauty influencers became beauty's next big stars
Liz Flora profiled Digicomm, a WME agency responsible for securing lucrative brand deals for its digitally native talent base, in a new piece for Glossy. Digicomm is changing the beauty industry by helping new faces emerge as its stars — think TikTok star Addison Rae and poet laureate Amanda Gorman. Carolyn Moneta, a partner at the group, shared her thoughts with Flora on the influencer and celebrity landscape and the platforms the agency uses to scope out the next big thing. {Glossy

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