Great Outfits in Fashion History: Olivia Wilde in the Perfect Holiday Look for Not Leaving Your House

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There are perfectly good celebrity style moments, and then there are the looks that really stick with you, the ones you try desperately to recreate at home. In 'Great Outfits in Fashion History,' Fashionista editors are revisiting their all-time favorite lewks.

This holiday season is shaping up to be...mostly normal? Kinda? Maybe not/it depends? What we do know is that during this transitional period, it can be tough to plan what to wear, or what you'll actually feel like doing when the time comes, so versatility is key. To that end, for this holiday season and/or next Valentine's Day, may we suggest copying the look Olivia Wilde wore to the 2018 GQ Men of the Year Awards?

The recent Vogue cover star loves a red suit moment, and this one takes the cake for both sexiest and comfiest. The loose, silky fabric gives pajama vibes and, hey, why not just leave the top open to reveal a pretty, lacy La Perla bra? (Do you think she'll re-create this look for a cozy night in with Harry Styles?) Spending time with your parents and not your significant other? Then, maybe just keep it closed. Up to you, though.

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Shop a few similar silky pajama sets and lacy bras in the gallery below.

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