Must Read: Brands Haven't Given Up on Awards Season, Thierry Mugler's Impact on Beauty

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These are the stories making headlines in fashion on Tuesday.

Brands haven't given up on awards season
In Business of Fashion, Diana Pearl reports on how, despite the challenges facing Hollywood's awards season — a variant disrupting in-person events, indefinite postponements, declining ratings, supply chain issues and more — brands still have faith in the power of the red carpet, and are pivoting accordingly. {Business of Fashion}

How Thierry Mugler revolutionized the beauty industry
In addition to his impact on fashion, Manfred Thierry Mugler, who passed away over the weekend, left an indelible mark on the beauty industry. Elle's Margaux Anbouba reflects on the importance of his fragrances, particularly Angel and Alien. {Elle}

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The rise and rise of personal sourcing
Kati Chitrakorn writes about the increasing demand for personal shopping services within the luxury space, the innovations that have repopularized this practice and the opportunities that lie therein, for Vogue Business. {Vogue Business}

What Virgil Abloh left behind
Teen Vogue published a special digital cover in honor of Virgil Abloh, created by Ghanaian artist Otis Kwame Kye Quaicoe, with a piece by Scarlett Newman that looks back on his life, career and legacy. {Teen Vogue}

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