Great Outfits in Fashion History: Pamela Anderson in a '90s Graphic Baby Tee and Mini Skirt

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There are perfectly good celebrity style moments, and then there are the looks that really stick with you, the ones you try desperately to recreate at home. In 'Great Outfits in Fashion History,' Fashionista editors are revisiting their all-time favorite lewks.

Pamela Anderson may be known for wearing some pretty outrageous event looks back in the '90s and early 2000s, but while watching Hulu's "Pam & Tommy," I was surprisingly drawn to her casual, at-home outfits. The low-key, girl-next-door aesthetic always suited her, and sometimes it crossed over into her public appearances as well.

The above look, for instance, feels quintessentially Anderson, and features great examples of 2022's biggest throwback trends: a graphic baby tee and denim mini skirt. The photo was taken in Los Angeles at the 1996 Video Software Dealers Convention. I'm not sure why she's posing with a motorcycle in it, but it somehow all makes sense visually.

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There's something so cool about the logo: It has a masculine feel despite reading "GIRL," and the top has the ideal cropped baby-tee fit. Shop a few similar graphic t-shirts in the gallery below, including a vintage-inspired reinterpretation of Anderson's.

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