Great Outfits in Fashion History: Tyra Banks Channeling Sade in 1998

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There are perfectly good celebrity style moments, and then there are the looks that really stick with you, the ones you try desperately to recreate at home. In 'Great Outfits in Fashion History,' Fashionista editors are revisiting their all-time favorite lewks.

Skims campaign star Tyra Banks has worn her fair share of wild, over-the-top outfits throughout her career, from the Victoria's Secret runways to shows like "America's Next Top Model" and "Dancing With the Stars" to the red carpet. But despite her big, bold personality, even she participated in the '90s minimalism trend, and pulled it off as well as any of her OG supermodel colleagues.

The very Sade-esque look above, from a 1998 restaurant opening, is not only an excellent example of this, it's also just a great, timeless, no-brainer outfit that even non-supermodels can pull off — without breaking the bank. All you need is a malleable white button-down, a good pair of fitted, unadorned, straight-leg pants, gold hoops, some hair pomade and red lipstick. Shop a few options in the gallery below.

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