Must Read: Alexander Wang Is Planning a Comeback, Film Directors Are Transforming the Met for "In America: An Anthology of Fashion"

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Alexander Wang is planning a comeback
Business of Fashion's Lauren Sherman reports on Alexander Wang's recent moves to return to the spotlight following accusations of sexual assault made against him in late 2020 (including dressing celebrities like Rihanna and Julia Fox, releasing a campaign starring Lucy Liu and planning his first runway show in years) and how his brand has been performing (well in China, she writes, and at the retailers that still carry it, such as Net-a-Porter, Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom). {Business of Fashion}

How nine directors are transforming the period rooms at the Met for "In America" exhibition
Vogue published a preview of how nine film directors — Sofia Coppola, Radha Blank, Janicza Bravo, Autumn de Wilde, Julie Dash, Tom Ford, Regina King, Martin Scorsese and Chloé Zhao — will transform the Metropolitan Museum of Art's period rooms for the Costume Institute's upcoming "In America: an Anthology of Fashion" exhibition. "The idea is to bring the museum to life," Coppola told Chloe Malle. "It invites the audience in. Hopefully you get lost in the moment of each space." {Vogue}

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