16 Multi-Purpose Face Palettes to Define, Highlight and Sculpt Your Makeup Like a Pro

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Watching all the TikTok blush tutorials and YouTube contouring how-tos in the world can only get you so far — to get truly professional-looking makeup, arming yourself with the right tools is key. 

When it comes to expertly sculpting, highlighting, contouring, color correcting or just subtly enhancing the face, a quality multi-purpose palette can transform even makeup novices into pros. From versatile blush duos packing powder and cream formulas to multi-colored concealer sets that create a flawless complexion to bronzer/highlighter combos capable of unveiling supermodel-like cheekbones, these are the overachievers that will become the most-used products in your makeup bag. Not only are they surprisingly simple to use with a paint-by-numbers-like approach, but they'll also suit a wide range of skin tones, textural preferences and budgets.

Click through the gallery to see (and shop) them all.

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