Will the REAL Jared Leto Please Stand Up?

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This has been something of a confusing evening for Jared Leto fans and/or haters everywhere (and you almost assuredly fall into one of those two camps). He's a regular at the Met Gala, so it's only natural that eagle-eyed watchers would be keen to spot him on the red carpet the first Monday in May. 

But he's certainly making us work for it! First, through no fault of Leto's own, there was a mishap in which multiple news outlets misidentified Swedish fashion figure Fredrik Robertsson as the actor. To be honest, we can't really blame anyone for thinking that: With his bleached-out hair and his otherworldly Iris van Herpen look, Robertsson certainly exudes a Leto-esque vibe


But then, the real Jared Leto arrived, this time in the form of a puzzle. You see, he came side-by-side with Gucci creative director Alessandro Michele, with whom he already bears a remarkable resemblance, dressed exactly alike in head-to-toe Gucci — right down to the hot pink bowties and snappy hair barrettes. 

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We aren't there currently, but we hear that if you want to figure out which is the real Leto, you must first solve their riddle: One of them always speaks with an Italian accent, while the other always sounds like Super Mario. Our advice to Met Gala attendees? Ask about a pigeon

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