Selena Gomez's 'De Una Vez' Lyrics Capture the Beauty of Overcoming Heartbreak

Selena Gomez's new music era started tonight—and well before midnight with the 7 PM EST release of her first Spanish single "De Una Vez" ("At Once" in English). The song, focused

on healing after heartache, is Gomez's foray in Spanish pop music ahead of the release of her upcoming new album Baila Conmigo (Dance With Me). It comes essentially one year after Gomez released her last album Rare. "This is the beginning of something I’ve wanted to explore for so long," Gomez wrote on Twitter following the song's release. "I hope you love it as much as I do."

In a statement, Gomez described 'De Una Vez" as "such a beautiful love anthem," adding, "I am incredibly proud of my Latin background. It felt empowering to sing in Spanish again."

The song reflects Gomez's own journey working on her mental health, overcoming past heartache, and ultimately healing and becoming confident in who she is. As the singer told The Newsette in November 2020, "None of what I’m doing now would have stemmed from the mindset I had before. My best stuff is happening now. And then the greatest thing ever in my music was 'Lose You to Love Me' [Gomez's breakup song believed to be about ex Justin Bieber]… I remember I had a moment where I couldn’t believe it, because the first and second day, the reactions were crazy, and I remember I smiled and I was like, 'That’s why it’s worth it. All of these years of confusion and being in love, and all of this stuff… and it was finally a clean slate.' And it wasn’t even because everyone liked it; it was just a realization of why I went through everything I went through…"

Gomez spoke to Zane Lowe on Apple Music about why she decided to sing in Spanish now. "This has been something I've wanted to do for 10 years, working on a Spanish project, because I'm so, so proud of my heritage, and just genuinely felt like I wanted this to happen," she said. "And it happened, and I feel like it's the perfect timing. Just with all the division in the world, there's something about Latin music that globally just makes people feel things, you know?"

"You know what's funny, is I actually think I sing better in Spanish," she continued. "That was something I discovered. It was a lot of work, and look, you cannot mispronounce anything. It is something that needed to be precise, and needed to be respected by the audience I'm going to release this for. Of course I want everyone to enjoy the music, but I am targeting my fan base. I'm targeting my heritage, and I couldn't be more excited."

Gomez teased in December the possibility of Spanish music could be coming. In an interview with Billboardthen, Gomez told the outlet that she had "a whole little vessel of good things coming" in 2021. The outlet added that those things could include "a Spanish-language project."

Gomez told Billboard that she planned to challenge herself with future music releases. “It’s nice to know that Rare became what it became for me,” Gomez said of the critically acclaimed album. “And obviously I would like to say that it was the best album that I’ve released so far. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not gonna challenge myself for the next.”

Gomez announced the release of "De Una Vez" on her Instagram this afternoon following fan speculation new music was coming based on promo murals appearing in Mexico baring the single and album's names alongside Gomez's.

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Here, the original Spanish lyrics and the English translation alongside them. You can watch the music video for "De Una Vez" below, too.

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Ya no duele como antes no​ / It doesn’t hurt me like before
La herida de tu amor sano ​/ The injury from your love has healed

De una de vez por todas ​/ Once and for all
Soy mas fuerte sola ​/ I am stronger on my own
Y es que no me aperriento de el pasado ​/ and it’s that, I don’t regret the past
Se que el tiempo a tu lado​ / I know the time I spent by your side
Cortó mis alas ​/ Cut off my wings
Pero ahora este pecho es anti-balas ​/ But now my chest is bullet proof

No tengo a ti ​/ I don’t have you
Me tengo a mi ​/ I have myself
No es para que pienses que esto pa’ ti (nah) ​/ This is not for you to think it’s about you
Yo me fui para que no se te olvide ​/ I left so you don’t forget
De una muerte como tu se revive​ / That from a death like you(r love), one can be reborn

Cuando se seque el último mar​ / When the last ocean dries up
Es cuando pensaré en regresar ​/ that’s when I’ll think about coming back
Esta sobre-entendido lo que siento ​/ Now I fully understand what I feel
Ya no estás, que bueno es el tiempo ​/ You’re not here, how good is the time that has passed
Estoy curá de ti​ / I am healed from you
Te dije ya ​/ I already told you
Ya no te siento ​/ I no longer feel you
Aquí no te siento ya ​/ I don't feel you here anymore
Nunca supistes ​/ You never knew
No me supistes valorar.. y ​/ You never knew how to value me.. and

De una de vez por todas ​/ Once and for all
Soy mas fuerte sola ​/ I am stronger on my own
Y es que no me aperriento de el pasado ​/ and it’s that, I don’t regret the past
Se que el tiempo a tu lado​ / I know the time I spent by your side
Cortó mis alas ​/ Cut off my wings
Pero ahora este pecho es anti-balas ​/ But now my chest is bullet proof

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