Caitlyn Jenner Explains Why She's Much 'Closer' to Kylie than 'More Secretive' Kendall Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner made the bold move few celebrity parents do: openly discussing which child she is closest to—and why she isn't as close to another. Caitlyn spoke on Dear Media's

target="_blank" target="_blank" aria-describedby="external-disclaimer" title="(opens new window)" data-vars-ga-outbound-link="">The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast and went into detail about her relationships with her youngest two children, Kendall and Kylie Jenner. She joked that her favorite generally of her six biological and 10 step-children "depends on the day."

But Kylie, 23, has a special place in her life. "Kylie is just the exception to the rule," Caitlyn said. "I mean, she's just—all the stars came together."

Caitlyn said she sees the most of herself in Kendall, 25. "[We] have a lot in common," she said. "She's very athletic. We kind of both had the same attitude towards life." Then she compared her relationship with Kendall to hers with Kylie. "I get along very well with the two of them, but Kylie and I just seem to be closer most of the time."

"Kendall's off kind of doing her thing, and Kylie, like, I had dinner last night at Kylie's house," Caitlyn said. "We try to do that once a week, once every two weeks. I go over there and she always has these great meals — prepared, she doesn't do them. ... But they're so good! It's better than a restaurant." Caitlyn and her close friend Sophia Hutchins usually go.

kylie jenner and caitlyn jenner in 2015
Nicholas HuntGetty Images

"So [it's] Sophia, Kylie and myself, just three of us, nobody around …just in the house—she has some beautiful homes," Caitlyn said. "[We] just have a glass of wine and talk about stuff and this and that. And so from that standpoint, we're a lot closer. Kendall's not that—she's always very kind of a little bit more secretive. We're still very close, but it's kind of harder to figure out, where Kylie's more of an open book."

Kylie, for what it's worth, spoke to Peopleabout Caitlyn in June 2020. She had glowing things to say about her father. "My dad has always been an inspiration to me, from winning the gold medal at the Olympics to getting her pilot's license," Kylie said. "However, watching her live out her true self has been the most inspiring of them all. She's our hero."

Kylie also spoke to Harper's Bazaarfor its March 2020 issue about her relationship with Caitlyn.“My dad was the best growing up,” Kylie said. “Never missed a sports game. Took us to school every day, and our school was like 45 minutes from our house.”

Kylie added that she talks to Caitlyn “like every day. Except I couldn’t talk to her for three or four weeks when she did that show I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! [the British reality series in which Caitlyn competed in 2019]. I watched clips online. It was hard to be out of touch for that long, but I feel like it was harder for her because she couldn’t see us.”

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