Working in fashion: top head hunters explain how to ace a job interview

Working in fashionHow to win a job interview and get your dream job? How to play up one’s background and previous work experience, and how to convey

at best one’s top qualities to turn a job interview into the first step in fashion, getting the much coveted job you have been dreaming of?

We asked the headhunters of Between Design Research to explain how to win a job interview in fashion.

How to prepare for the interview? How to introduce yourself? How to talk about one’s flaws and qualities? How to make the most of this opportunity when the job interview is conducted online?

These are just a few of the many questions we will answer in a special webinar hosted with headhunters Elisabetta Berla and De Vito of Between Design Research, a specialized headhunting consultancy which selects and recruits fashion designers and professionals exclusively for apparel and accessories brands.

Founded in 1999 by Elisabetta Berla and Sabrina Damassa, both with wide-ranging and significant professional experience in the world of style and product for fashion and luxury brands, Between has become one of the leading Italian consultancies selecting and recruiting professionals. The company operates at the international level also thanks to the strong experience and network built in the Far East.

Elisabetta Berla and Angelica De Vito, headhunters of Between Design Research will dispel all your doubts about job interviews  in a special webinar to be held on Tuesday, January 26 at 2.30 pm on Zoom. You are all welcome to participate followingthis link. The webinar will be held in English.

In our recent webinars dedicated to those who want to work in fashion, you have learnt to create aFashion Portfolio, a key element for any creative looking for a job in the industry, and that, alongside one’s résumé, says all about a designer and who they want to become. 

Also résumé or CV is fundamental when looking for any , job in the fashion industry , and not only. It’s a professional’s visiting card, and it must be carefully and thoroughly prepared. 

To put it briefly: to study fashion design and to work in fashion your portfolio and résumé are the starting point, but as soon as you have captured the attention of fashion brands’ HR recruiters or headhunters you need to corroborate that first good impression, and get an actual job in fashion.

To put it briefly: to study fashion design and to work in fashion your portfolio and résumé are the starting point, but as soon as you have captured the attention of fashion brands’ HR recruiters or headhunters you need to corroborate that first good impression, and get an actual job in fashion.

Join us and the experts from Between Design Research to examine in depth all the elements of a job interview, also when conducted online.

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