Katie Porter Recounts Sheltering With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez During the Capitol Insurrection

On Monday night, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went on Instagram Live to share the full story of what happened to her on the day of the Capitol attack. In an emotional 90-minute

monologue, Ocasio-Cortez explained how she was in her office on the day of the riots when she heard loud banging on her door and a voice yelling, "Where is she? Where is she?" She ran and hid in an office bathroom, thinking an insurrectionist had broken in and she was about to die. Eventually, she learned the man was a Capitol police officer, who instructed her and her staffer to move to another building, where she ended up sheltering for hours in fellow congresswoman Katie Porter's office.

"First she saw me, and we waved," Rep. Porter explained on MSNBC after Ocasio-Cortez's Live. "I went into my office, and a couple seconds later, she knocked and she said, 'Could we come in?'"

"Her staffer was trying to describe what had happened, and Alex is really usually unfailingly polite and very personable, and she wasn’t even really talking to me. She was opening up doors, and I was like, 'Can I help you? What are you looking for?' And she said, 'I’m looking for where I’m going to hide.'"

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Thank you @katieporteroc for holding it down that day ? you’re a wonderful friend https://t.co/UvvZKDYwEr

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 2, 2021

Porter went on to describe the two most powerful memories she had from that day. She said she told Ocasio-Cortez, "Don’t worry. I’m a mom. I’m calm. I’ve got everything here we need. We could live for like a month in this office," to which Ocasio-Cortez replied, 'I just hope I get to be a mom. I hope I don’t die today.'"

Porter also recalled that she was wearing flats while Ocasio-Cortez was wearing heels, and the congresswoman told her: "I know I shouldn’t have worn heels. How am I going to run?"

After the interview of Rep. Porter was posted to Twitter, Ocasio-Cortez retweeted the video and wrote, "Thank you @katieporteroc for holding it down that day," adding, "You’re a wonderful friend"

You can watch Ocasio-Cortez's full Instagram Live, here:

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