Watch Kylie Jenner Do Caitlyn Jenner's Makeup for the First Time Ever

Kylie Jenner is a makeup mogul, so it would make sense that everyone in her life gets to benefit from free makeovers and products. But, it turns out, Caitlyn Jenner had

never received a Kylie makeover...until now.

On her YouTube channel, Caitlyn shared that she was headed to a "luncheon in town"(who's having a luncheon right now?!), and she needed someone to do her glam. "I called everybody...This COVID thing, no one was available. I thought, 'Wait a second, I know one other person to do my makeup...My little Kylie. She's gonna do my makeup. She's never done it before," Cailtyn said as she gave the camera a tour of the Kylie Cosmetics office.

Because the hair and makeup chair is always the place to start deep conversations (I really miss those haircut talks!), Caitlyn and Kylie start chatting.

"So, I wanted to ask you," Kylie began. "I know, like, sometimes people get really confused when Kendall and I still call you 'dad.' I know we had a talk a few years ago, and you were OK with us still calling you 'dad.' How do you feel about that now?"

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"I feel it was one of the best decisions I made, and sometimes this community can be pretty tough, especially when it comes to pronouns," Caitlyn responded. "Everybody's got an opinion and on and on and on. But I really felt from the beginning that I gotta do it. kind of my that works for me. And I think everybody out there has got to do it there way, which works for them...You always say, 'my dad, she,' and that's tough to kind of change the pronouns of it right in the middle...You guys are so good...Every time I hear it, I go, 'my girls, are on it.'"

Kylie also complimented Caitlyn on her makeup skills, and they both recalled that it was Caitlyn who's been doing her makeup "longer than anybody."

"I remember one of the girls saying, 'Well, how do you know about makeup?' I said, 'Girl, I was doing makeup 30 years before you were born.'"

Caitlyn's 2015 transition was very public, especially following her groundbreaking Vanity Fair cover in June of that year.

"You know what is so good?," Caitlyn said to Kylie in the makeup video. "Is after everything I've been through...for people that are out there watching, just to be able to wake up in the morning and just be yourself all day."

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