Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

WEEK OF August 17 - 2 3, 2020

You’ll never give up that independent spirit, Aquarius, but even the most die-hard among you can’t escape the urge to merge this Tuesday, August 18. That day, the year’s only new moon in Leo powers up your seventh house of relationships, sparking little fires everywhere. Single, spoken for or somewhere in between, this flamboyant lunar lift gets your partnership engines purring. Look no further for an excuse to dress up, flirt with abandon and turn heads with scintillating selfies. Going out? Switch your paper mask for the hand-embellished conversation starter and see who notices. Since attraction often begins with witty banter, it’s easy for your “sapiosexual” sign to feel the chemistry brewing at six feet distance. This Leo new moon reinforces the “opposites attract” rule, so stay open to people who don’t remotely fit into your usual type. For coupled Water Bearers, this new moon can blow open the doors to authentic communication. What you’re NOT saying out loud could be forming into an iceberg of toxic resentment. To bring back the love—and lust—stop sweeping inconvenient issues under the rug and speak your piece…lovingly, of course. Committed couples will be able to weather this storm, but faulty foundations can’t be held together with emotional duct tape.

Another push for intimate communication comes this Wednesday, when expressive Mercury changes lanes, merging into Virgo and your eighth house of secrets and seduction until September 5. On Saturday, the Sun follows suit, plunging into Virgo until September 22. This zone is about playing for keeps and really laying things on the line. If you decide “this is it,” next steps could happen suddenly under these transits. However, if you’re still not sure whether you’ve found The One, try this experiment: Seriously try to envision life without them. When you’re together, imagine how you’d feel if they were no longer a part of your life. Which part of you is more into it? Your head, heart (or nether regions)? This can help you get clarity. If you’re still on the fence, give it your all for a couple weeks. You won’t truly discover how a partnership will unfold until you go all the way in without holding back.

Financial mergers might also speed up. Are you looking for an investor to get behind your start-up? Hoping to score a record or book deal? Maybe you’re thinking about starting a Poshmark store or selling property or a business that no longer feels like your path. The eighth house is one of the “financial districts” of the zodiac wheel, ruling money that comes in lump sums rather than the kind that you sweat to earn through the daily grind. Clever Mercury gets the revenue-generating wheels turning, while the Sun gives you the confidence to make a bold business move. Get your paperwork and statements organized, Aquarius. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

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