Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Cancer Monthly Horoscope


October Snapshot

Cozy up, Crab! The Sun is making its annual visit to Libra and your fourth house of domesticity, family and emotional foundations until Thursday, October 22. As the natural ruler of this zodiac zone, you’ll be right at home, pun intended, at Chateau Cancer or bonding with your clan. Thinking of moving or redoing your place before the winter kicks in? Explore your options now and ready your nest for the possible resurgence of lockdowns and quarantines.

You may be glad to stay indoors­ because October’s planets are a bit chaotic! There’s a rare doubleheader of full moons, making this a “blue moon” month —and the second one’s on Halloween. Par for the course in an already wild and wacky 2020, right? The first, on Thursday, October 1, could bring uplifting career news while the second might deliver an exciting opportunity to collaborate.

Strained relationship dynamics improve on Sunday, October 4, when potent Pluto ends a five-month retrograde through Capricorn and your partnership zone. And Scorpio season, from October 22 to November 21, will also heat up your lusty side.

But you’re not out of the woods yet! Mercury—the planet of communiclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" cation, technology and travel—will turn retrograde from Tuesday, October 13 to November 3. Until Tuesday, October 27, Mercury will pivot through your fifth house of love, which could bring back an ex or provoke an old drama. After that, Mercury will wrap up its retrograde in Libra and your touchy-feely fourth house, bringing your sensitive (and thin-skinned) side to the fore.

If you’re comfortable with it, a socially distanced Halloween celebration could cap off the month perfectly, thanks to the full moon in Taurus and your eleventh house of groups and friends on Saturday, October 31. But with unpredictable Uranus riding shotgun, people may be rebellious and emotionally unpredictable. Avoid any large gatherings, and keep erratic names off the guest list. You don’t need to be treated to their tricks!

Week 1: October 1-11
Flaunt your fabulosity

Set your virtual Zoom background to “impressive” and get ready for some well-earned recognition. On Thursday, October 1, the first full moon of the month lands in Aries, electrifying your tenth house of career and public image. You’ve been working hard, and now’s your moment to watch your own star rise.

This full moon marks a transition, so for some Crabs, the career boost could be more of a pivot to a new path, fresh goals and surprising opportunities. Look back to the Aries new moon of March 24 for hints about today’s open doors. You’ve got a knack for being at the right place at the right time. Couple that with some targeted self-promotion to capitalize on this lunar momentum.

Your relationships are also on the upswing starting Sunday, October 4, when powerhouse Pluto ends a five-month retrograde in Capricorn and your relationship house. Say goodbye to mixed signals and dodgy dealings. Resentment and other roiling issues that have been percolating below the surface since April 25 could start to clear up now. Since optimistic Jupiter and structured Saturn are also moving through Capricorn until late December, the rest of 2020 marks a powerful opportunity to hit the refresh button on your partnerships—and enjoy some lasting breakthroughs in the ways you interact with others.

Heads-up for a curveball on Friday, October 9, though, when stone-cold Pluto locks into a heated square with (retrograde) Mars in pugnacious Aries, repeating a cosmic cage match that happened on August 13 in the same signs. Power plays may be hard to resist today. But you’ll only win respect if you can muster a gentler, diplomatic approach. With Mars and Pluto throwing punches, that may be easier said than done. Avoid lashing out with low blows, even when provoked and especially with the people closest to you.

Week 2: October 12-18
Mercury mischief

On Tuesday, October 13, winged messenger Mercury turns retrograde until November 3, stirring up mischief with technology, communication and travel. The quicksilver planet will backslide through Scorpio until October 27, disrupting your fifth house of romance, self-expression and drama. Will an ex show up out of the blue? Or a “settled” relationship issue suddenly rise up from the dead? You don’t have to take the bait—and you’ll probably just end up confused if you do.

Mercury completes its roguish backwards tour in Libra and your emo fourth house on Tuesday, November 3. Laugh-cry, anyone? Make room for your feelings. Just don’t trust them to give you totally accurate info right now. (As the saying goes, “Feelings aren’t facts.”)

Later in the week, the cosmic action happens closer to your casa. On Friday, October 16, the year’s only Libra new moon lands in your domestic fourth house, bringing fresh energy to home and hearth. If you’re thinking of moving, renovating or adding a new member to your family, set your intentions today. Are there emotional needs you’ve ignored? This lunar lift can help you write an honest new chapter in your relationship story. Between now and the Libra full moon on March 28, 2021, you have a six-month window to explore new options for your nest.

But don’t rush any changes. This new moon will lock into a tension-filled square with expansive Jupiter, tough Saturn AND potent Pluto all three of which are in Capricorn and your seventh house of relationships. Others may not see eye-to-eye with you, and expressing your emotions openly could have the opposite effect of what you intended. Make sure you have a receptive audience before you pour your heart out.

You and a partner may be at odds about where to live or how to spend the upcoming holidays (already a stressful topic from the pandemic)—or are just working each other’s nerves if you’re working from home. Parents will feel the tension from this new moon even more, especially if you have young kids at home doing virtual school. Try to use this new moon to make a compassionate fresh start. But get everything out into the open so you can move on from recurring conflicts.

Week 3: 19-25
Second thoughts

Relationship matters continue to be at odds with the rest of your life as this week opens. On Monday, October 19, combative Mars in your career zone gets roped into another angst-filled square, this time with outspoken Jupiter in your partnership house.

Repeating a cosmic clash from August 4 (in the same signs), these two impatient and impulsive planets could tempt you to leap into a situation with poor judgment. This time around, Mars is retrograde in your professional zone, indicating that you might have second thoughts about your path or a recent work choice. With Mercury also retrograde, it’s a dicey time for making binding decisions. If at all possible, hold off signing on the dotted line.

Since there’s so much confusion in the air, can you stop what you’re doing to lend a hand to a colleague in need? This could be doubly beneficial, taking some pressure off you while making a deposit in your karma bank. Sure, slowing down to offer assistance can be frustrating and seemingly counterintuitive. But you’ll be grateful you have people you can call the next time you find yourself with a metaphorical flat tire.

On Thursday, October 22, the Sun slides into passionate Scorpio in your flirty, fun-loving fifth house for a month. Peek out of your shell and bring some safe, shared (and socially distanced) joy into your life. Romance could rev up in time for Halloween and the upcoming holiday season, whether it’s a fall fling or something more meaningful. Put agendas aside and enjoy your pursuit of pleasure or diving into a creative project making “art for art’s sake.” Set happiness as your priority, and you’ll attract magic between now and November 21.

Week 4: October 26-31
Home not-so-sweet home?

Home is where the heat is as the month comes to a close. On Tuesday, October 27, Mercury retrograde backs into Libra and your domestic fourth house. This could trigger conflict with relatives and roommates through Saturday, November 3. Take extra care with your loved ones for the rest of this week, making an effort to be extra patient. Luckily, olive branches will be plentiful thanks to peacemaker Venus also venturing into Libra on the same day. If things get tense, be quick to hug it out!

Halloween delivers a full moon in Taurus and your social eleventh house. On the work front, this “blue moon” heralds a big team win just around the corner. Although you’ll want to get right back to work to capitalize on your momentum, with innovative Uranus traveling in close contact to la luna, you could devise the ultimate pandemic-proof celebration: candy, costumes and all. Watch a ramped-up rebellious streak that could tempt you to flout social-distancing rules. We can’t blame you for wanting a revelry release, Cancer—but be smart and safe.


A solid friendship—along with open communication—forms the basis of any good relationship. So you’ll love hosting Venus, the planet of harmony and affection, in your third house of mutuality and expression while she visits Virgo from October 2 to 27. Sparks could fly with a friend since the third house rules media and gadgets, encouraging you to “carpe DM” and start a flirty chat session—IF you’re unattached.

As carefree as Venus may be, the other love planet, Mars, is unfortunately not playing wingman. The red planet is in grouchy retrograde in Aries and your tenth house of long-term goals from September 9 to November 13, making it hard to see eye-to-eye about the future. You’re feeling the love, but do you want the same things from life? There’s the rub. With impulsive Mars in reverse gear, you may be feeling anxious about it, perhaps even having second thoughts. But rather than do any knee-jerk reaction changes, as is Mars’ wont, try to ride it out.

Under this “back-facing” energy, an ex could resurface—and it might be someone who triggers “dad issues” (no shame, we’ve all got some version of ‘em) regardless of your gender identifications. Or it may be a person who pushes the exact buttons that remind you to create better boundaries with people. Sometimes the messenger comes in interesting guises…

A great day to talk about the future or the “c” word (commitment!) is October 19, whenclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" Venus forms a heavenly trine with expansive Jupiter in your partnership zone. The “great benefics”, as these two auspicious planets are called, don’t link up very often, so take the opportunity to speak openly and share about your visions for a future together. If you’re single, do some visualizing and write down what you want in a partner—and feel free to dream big with sky’s-the-limit Jupiter here.

Key Dates:
October 10: Venus-Uranus trine

What are you waiting for? Whatever you’ve been waffling over, today’s action-spurring alignment of amorous Venus and spontaneous Uranus can push you off the fence. Be the one to break the ice or say yes to someone’s offer! With your social sectors lit up, couples can enjoy an upbeat, drama-free night out on the town—or stay home and light some indoor fireworks!


And you’re off! The month starts with a powerhouse punch as the October 1 Aries full moon activates your career zone, marking a professional high point (or a possible turning point). An opportunity you’ve been pursuing since late March could come together now. Thinking of changing jobs? Reach out to a mentor or well-connected contact. Make sure you’re presenting as polished an image as possible. Gather testimonials and references; update your style for any Zoom interviews or client calls. Present yourself as the expert you are!

If a key relationship has been rocky for the past few months, that should start to clear up on October 4, when power-tripping Pluto ends a five-month retrograde in your partnership zone. If you’ve been unsure about whether to go into business with someone, you could get the clarity you’ve been waiting for. Whether it’s with this person or a different one, dynamic duos will take flight between now and the end of the year. Actively start seeking ways to join forces!

Just do it before Mercury turns retrograde on October 13, mucking up your messaging and technology until November 3. This is an unfavorable window for signing on to any new endeavors. Use the time to negotiate and read the fine print. You’ll be in a stronger position to say “yes” or “no” next month!

Key Dates:
October 7: Mercury-Uranus opposition

This is the first of three of these impulsive angles, so if you don’t handle this one the way you’d like to, don’t worry: You’ll get two more chances to get it right! The quickest-thinking planets align, spurring you to rush into action or say something regrettable. And it’ll happen so fast, you might not be able to stop yourself. But pay attention to what happens as a result, and if you need to make amends in any way, you should get a chance during Mercury’s return trips on October 19 and November 17.

Love Days: 18, 21
Money Days: 1, 11
Luck Days: 9, 26
Off Days: 7, 20, 23

See All Signs

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