Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

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Cancer Monthly Horoscope

WEEK OF August 17 - 2 3, 2020

Finances start flowing this Tuesday, August 18, as the year’s only new moon in Leo powers up your second house of security and income. Whether you’ve been furloughed or steadily working in 2020, this lunar lift navigates you in a prosperous and exciting direction. Let yourself ponder this six-million-dollar question: How can you do work you love, the kind that utilizes your talents, without draining your energy at the end of every workday? This might take some creative thinking and research, Cancer. Don’t get discouraged if the answer doesn’t spring up immediately. New moons are starting blocks. You have six months to manifest whatever gets started under their motivating beams. But do start making money moves this week. It might be a matter of “if you don’t ask, you don’t get,” so speak up! Simply raising your rates (or asking for a raise) could already bring a bump. Since the second house rules self-worth, challenge any ancient ideas about “not deserving.” That’s just your inner saboteur talking. Put ‘em in the time out chair!

Embrace the power of partnership on Wednesday, when savvy Mercury zips into Virgo and charges up your cooperative networking zone until September 5. This should get those neurons firing and budding alliances off the ground. Areas where you’ve been hustling on your own will get a boost in productivity AND pleasure if you invite others to join you. Stop reinventing the wheel and team up FTW. And have a look at where you spend your free time. The third house rules your neighborhood, and there may be some uncharted treasures within walking (or biking) distance. Local businesses may be open to creative ideas for supporting shared goals, especially if you can bring greater attention to their products and offerings.

On Saturday, the life-affirming Sun follows on Mercury’s heels, sailing into Virgo and your outgoing third house until September 22. You could literally wake up with a renewed sense of purpose, inspired to collaborate with friends, neighbors and area proprietors who share your goals. With festivals canceled and many arts venues closed down, the culture vulture in you is starved for stimulation. How about creating some material yourself, Crab? This solar surge opens up a four-week window of inspiration for Cancer mediamakers. Don’t worry about running out of steam. Any “project fatigue” you’ve been feeling is probably a result of creating in isolation. Whether you’re organizing a book club, interviewing guests for a podcast, or pinging a song-writing partner, all your duets will be more dynamic for the coming four weeks. Normally, Virgo season is prime time for you to go exploring a new neighborhood or getting more involved in local goings-on. While options might be limited during COVID, put on your mask and find healthy ways to mingle. The people you meet now could become staples in your social life once temperatures cool and everyone heads indoors again.

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