Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

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Gemini Monthly Horoscope

WEEK OF August 17 - 2 3, 2020

If you’re going to launch a charm offensive, Gemini, make sure you’re ready to field the flood of responsive fans and admirers. This Tuesday, August 18, the year’s only new moon in Leo beams silver-tongued magic into your third house of communication. Whether you’re tweeting, talking to a small group or just commenting on someone’s post, people will hang on your every word. Flattering? For sure. But don’t let the game-playing vibes detract from the REAL opportunity of this lunar lift. Think ahead: Over the coming weeks (and up to six months), how would you like to position yourself in the world? You have a huge say over how people see you and interpret your messaging. This new moon is like an audit. Are your words, photos, pages and profiles signaling the “you” that you want in the world? You may realize that a change is due. Embrace it! Gemini writers, broadcasters, creatives and mediamakers—set aside time for your craft! Divine downloads could rush in near Tuesday, setting your next great work in motion. If you’re the classic Gem who works best with a partner, keep the searchlight on. A kindred spirit could pop up who is ready to “twin” you for a dynamic duet!

Does your privacy policy need an upgrade? On Wednesday, your cosmic ruler, quicksilver Mercury, nestles into Virgo and your internally focused fourth house. Even the most social Gem will require greater amounts of alone time between now and September 5. That’s how you’ll do your best thinking (and ideating)! If you can’t get that at home, consider finding your personal sanctuary space in nature. A meandering trail hike could lead you to a private grove or uncrowded area of a city park. Bring a notebook (or whatever your preferred capture tool may be) and let the inspiration flow. Song lyrics, a manual for community activism or a plant-based cookbook…it’s anyone’s guess what you’ll download from the creative universal forces.

On Saturday, the Sun shuffles out of Leo and joins Mercury in Virgo, illuminating your fourth house of family, roots and domestic coziness until September 22. Funny how you can adapt to certain arrangements or accept subpar conditions until—just like that—you wake up and decide that SOMETHING needs to change. Your abode might suddenly seem too crowded, or you may feel like you HAVE to move your desk near a window or create a workout zone. Some Geminis could be feeling the pull of home ownership, whether in your current zip code or a different city—or country. With the Sun channeling Virgo’s tidy, minimalist energy, you might get a wild idea to embark on a major, month-long decluttering mission, giving away some amazing furniture and clothes that just don’t suit you anymore. Your lucky friends will surely be psyched, but make sure you’re not throwing the bambino out with the bathwater, and that when the Sun moves on, you won’t regret your impulsivity. This is a sweet time for bonding and reconnecting with close friends and family, particularly your favorite chicas. Take it upon yourself to organize social time, whether IRL, on videoconference or through a weekly group mastermind (or therapy!) chat.

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