Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Weekly Horoscope

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Leo Monthly Horoscope

WEEK OF August 17 - 2 3, 2020

Chill the bubbles, Leo, because your cosmic New Year celebration goes down this Tuesday, August 18. As 2020’s only new moon in Leo activates your trailblazing first house, a wave of “fresh start” energy streams in, opening up a six-month window for manifesting. Before you officially open a new door, pause for a minute to raise a toast on all your achievements of the last six months. Don’t just laud the grandiose, peacock feathers plumed in your cap. Celebrate the ways you kept your household running during the virus, the way you pushed through any economic setbacks and held your circle of friends together with virtual gatherings. These are no small things, especially for a zodiac sign that gets charged by live interactions and human touch. Setting up an attitude of gratitude puts you in a mindset to receive even more. So, Leo, what’s ahead for the coming half year? This lunar lift could help you launch a deferred dream, like recording an album or starting a line of hand-embellished masks. Leo energy always wants you to go big(ger), so aim for the stars, and if you need to scale back later, then so be it. But don’t put a lid on your dreams; you’ve been waiting a full year for this moment. You’ve got six months for the complete unfolding, so take your time and dot every “i,” cross every “t,” and get this perfect!

You’ll have lots of practical magic to tap into starting Wednesday, as quicksilver Mercury leaves your sign and moves on to Virgo, the ruler of your sensible-but-sensual second house. Until Wednesday, September 5, this analytical energy can deliver clarity around any confusing issues and inspire you to set some new goals for the rest of the year. While no one can tame your playful spirit, this practical earth energy is a potent reminder that the “secret” to success is having strong objectives, a clear map to help you reach them and the unflagging determination to keep going until you do!

Your birthday-season celebrations draw to a close on Saturday, but as the Sun (your celestial ruler) sails into Virgo and your second house of money and security, your thoughts will turn to matters that are at least as important as commemorating your first breath on this plane. Until September 22, you’ll be focused on getting all the practicalities of life in order, like your finances, schedule and work objectives. True, these mind-numbing details aren’t exactly “fun.” You may think and live large, but it’s this grounded Virgo energy that keeps the wheels of life greased. First order of business? Get a handle on your cash flow. Do you know exactly how much you earn after taxes? Can you even estimate how much you spend every month? And how much does that leave for saving? If you’re drawing a blank, it’s definitely time for some financial planning and budgeting. Is it time to pivot in your career? Update your resume and online bios. Get the word out that you’re in the market. The clearer you are about what you want, the more likely you’ll be to manifest it.

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