Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra Weekly Horoscope

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Libra Monthly Horoscope

WEEK OF August 17 - 2 3, 2020

Your superconnector superpowers have been deprived of free reign under 2020’s social restrictions. But not even a pandemic can halt a Libra from scouring out synergies. This Tuesday, August 18, the annual new moon in Leo powers up your collaborative eleventh house, leading you to kindred spirits who could be perfect additions to the Libra Dream Team. Even if you don’t actually meet anyone who fits the bill, this lunar lift provides insight about what kinds of people would round out the group—or which friends simply MUST meet one another, ASAP! Over the coming two weeks, you’ll have the manifesting mojo to draw these fascinating people in. If you begin a search, start with your squad and personal network. The missing links might be one or two degrees of separation away. Check your tech! The eleventh house also rules technology, opening up a six-month window for things like mastering video production, redesigning your website or getting all your gadgets repaired and upgrades. Whatever you start (or log in to) now could connect you to a virtual community that has a lasting impact on your life.

But leave enough space on your calendar for meditative solo time. On Wednesday, outgoing Mercury drifts into Virgo and your twelfth house of healing and transitions until September 5. When it comes to socializing, think quality over quantity. You won’t have the same energy for marathon Zoom calls or outdoor coffee dates that last for longer than, say, an hour. It’s okay to let people know, “I have from 3 to 4” when scheduling. Then, maximize the value of your time together by eliminating small talk and diving right into meaningful subject matter. Bring the “woo,” Libra! Pulling an angel or Animal Spirit card could be a springboard into enlightening conversations—the only kind you’ll really have patience for during this brief transit.

Then, on Saturday, Virgo season begins when the Sun takes up residence in this same, dreamy chart sector until September 22. Need to make up for missed hammock time? Pull on your headphones, downshift and relax. This is the final, monthly chapter of your annual solar year—a time best spent recharging and releasing whatever baggage you want to leave behind before Libra season begins in four weeks. Have you been “sticking it out” with certain relationships out of a sense of duty or thinking they might change? Have you gotten wise to an inner saboteur who keeps messing things up just as you’re about to reach a new high point? This kind of work isn’t always possible to do on your own, so consider working with a therapist or an energy healer to support your journey.

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