Manicurist Gina Edwards is the Queen of Matching Her Nails to Her Face Masks

Manicurist Gina Edwards is the Queen of Matching Her Nails to Her Face Masks

Photo courtesy of @ginaedwards_

The nail artist has been DIY’ing press-on manicures throughout the pandemic to match her favourite face masks — and we’re obsessed.

By Natasha Bruno


December 3, 2020

With heavy government-ordered pandemic measures back in place in many COVID-19 hotspots, including mandated salon closures, the state of many of our nails has, once again, landed entirely in our own hands. One scroll through celebrity nail artist and KISS Nails ambassador Gina Edwards’ Instagram page and we’re sure you’ll be convinced that, with more weeks at home inevitably still to come, this social-distancing era is prime time to embrace press-on nails and practice your nail-art skills.

Since the spring, the sought-after editorial manicurist has been blessing our feed with whimsical stick-on nails that she’s been coordinating with her face coverings, and they’ve been a much-welcomed source of joy during the pandemic. So when we got the opportunity to catch up with Edwards virtually, we had to ask her about the go-to items in her quarantine nail kit and the nail look we’ll likely see her rocking this holiday. Read on for what she shared.

Most treasured possessions in her nail kit right now:

“The number one tool I could not bear to not have at home is a toe nail clipper. When my nails are overgrown and unkept, this a lifesaver. Then the follow up for my unruly nails are KISS’s hand and foot masks, especially since we’re washing our hands so often.”

Favourite press-on nails during quarantine:

“As an artist, I find myself creating new styles and the best product to do that on is the Gel Fantasy or Salon Acrylic Naturals from KISS. They’re an open canvas and I can paint on top of the nails with ease.”

Her no-fail, holiday-ready nail look:

“A glitter nail always feel glamorous and festive. You can use polish or a stick-on nail from KISS that takes less than 3 minutes to apply.”

Feeling inspired by Edward’s mask-manis? Shop the nail artist’s quarantine nail kit must-haves in the gallery below:

press-on nails
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Courtesy of KISS Nails

press-on nails
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Courtesy of KISS Nails

press-on nails
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Courtesy of KISS Nails

press-on nails
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Courtesy of KISS Nails

press-on nails
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Courtesy of KISS Nails


Press-on Manicure Kit Holiday Designs in Toasty

($12, imPRESS )


Hand & Nail Mask Gloves

($4, KISS)


Foot & Toenail Mask Socks

($4, KISS)


Gel Fantasy Ab Fab Nails

($10, KISS)


Salon Acrylic Natural Nails Strong Enough

($10, KISS)

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