Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

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Pisces Monthly Horoscope

WEEK OF August 17 - 2 3, 2020

Your 5 lb. dumbbells have been doubling as doorstops long enough, Pisces. Pick ‘em up and do some bicep curls this Tuesday, August 18, as the annual new moon in Leo kickstarts a wellness challenge in your sixth house of healthy routines. Taking care of everyone else is instinctual to your compassionate (and sometimes sacrificial) sign, but what about self-care? Without periodic check-ins, you can fall way out of balance. This new moon of fresh starts is the annual starting whistle to get on your mark and get your body and mind in whatever shape you want. There’s no competition here—and please don’t waste time ruminating on the ice cream sundaes you indulged in or the workouts you blew off. Put your focus on the future and start incorporating clean, plant-based meals. If you’ve been sedentary, begin walking and biking whenever you can, even if you have to drive to the starting point and go from there. Getting plenty of quality sleep is a must for your dreamy sign. Some Fish might be inspired to do a mini detox, or at least quit (or cut way back on) sugar, caffeine and junk food. Pro tip: Your flowy sign doesn’t do well with “no pain, no gain” workouts, so find things that will keep you engaged, like yin yoga or an online dance class. Anything fun that also gets your heart rate up will do the trick!

On Wednesday, messenger Mercury switches into Virgo, activating your seventh house of partnerships until September 5. If you’ve been quiet about your intuitive hunches, or “going along to get along,” open up! Mercury helps give voice to some of your deepest desires, even if expressing them makes other people uncomfortable. Conflict is a natural part of healthy relationships. It’s how you approach it that determines everything. With that in mind, watch that you don’t get overly demanding or critical if your love interest or someone else in the “partnership” category doesn’t hit it out of the park on the first at-bat. With Mercury here, conversations with new people could quickly evolve into “how about we” explorations. Bear in mind, Pisces, that it’s your nature to fall hard and fast. Pace yourself and try things out with a trial run so you know whether to lock it down for the long-term…or not!

More partnership-powered energy flows in on Saturday when the buoyant Sun kicks off its annual monthlong tour through Virgo and your seventh house of partnerships until September 22. During this forward-moving cycle, you’ll get clarity about the nature of your primary relationships. If you’re flying free and looking to change that status, make a dedicated effort to connect on the dating apps or through safe socializing. Not everyone is going be a soulmate, but the more you embrace variety, the better your chances of finding someone who MIGHT have that potential. Since critical Virgo rules this realm, pay attention to that inner voice that may be a little too quick to dismiss people because of little things like their choice in shoes or their taste in music. That’s YOUR resistance making itself known. Attached? You may feel like launching into a “what’s next” conversation every time you’re together, but be smart and strategic. There’s a time and place for everything, Pisces. If you sense that your partner is tired or cranky, hold off. Wait until you’re both in a good mood and feeling connected, and then gently mention that there’s something you’ve been dying to talk about.

See All Signs

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