Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

WEEK OF August 17 - 2 3, 2020

Give your career goals their annual review this Tuesday, August 18, as the year’s only Leo new moon supercharges your tenth house of success. For some Scorpios, this will bring a whole new vision of where you want to be—and what you want to be doing for the rest of the year, and beyond. (Developing a consciousness-raising online curriculum? Opening a virtual arts venue? Why NOT?) If you’re happily employed, la luna may reveal a new dimension to the work you’re already doing; just on a more prestigious level. In Leo, the lunar lift is inviting you to step into a position of greater leadership. Don’t assume that your capabilities are obvious to people. Spell them out, even in a simple list format. Even if your profiles and pages are beautifully designed, make sure the information is clear—especially pricing, if you own a business. Whichever way you want to point your ship, set your compass now and give yourself until the corresponding full moon six months from now to arrive at your destination and pop the champagne cork.

Where have you been wanting to branch out—with a new friend circle, a politically active group or maybe a metaphysical support circle? This Wednesday, garrulous Mercury swings into Virgo and your collaborative eleventh house, sharpening your connecting strategies. Between now and September 5, you could feel psychically guided to DM an organization or invite yourself along to an open-air gathering that is attended by kindred spirits. Anything that promises entertainment and the potential to do good in the world will be right up your alley. Over the next three weeks, call back those people who’ve reached out to you and review their proposals. Even if their initial vision doesn’t click for you, maybe you could carve out a role for yourself that plays to your strengths. Instead of shooting things down as “not possible,” start asking, “How can I make this work for me?”

On Saturday, the Sun joins Mercury in Virgo, shimmering in that same eleventh house of teamwork and technology until September 22. The view from the top is one of your personal favorites, but has it been getting a bit lonely up there? You can rewrite that script during this solar surge. Ditch the #BossBabe power trips and aim to be an enlightened leader who works collectively instead of competitively. As you cast your dream team, seek people who complement one another (as opposed to duplicate). Original thinkers should also rank high, and all the more so if they have a keen sense of social justice. An online initiative gets a boost from the Virgo Sun, which can help you streamline the information for your online profiles, curate a killer feed or get your software skills up to snuff so you can build your own website—or talk the talk with any developers you hire. Purchasing new gear may be an investment worth making. Price it out. You may find that it pays for itself.

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