‘Selling Sunset’ Star Christine Quinn Says She’ll Leave The Oppenheim Group ‘If This Favoritism Continues’

‘Selling Sunset’ Star Christine Quinn Says She’ll Leave The Oppenheim Group ‘If This Favoritism Continues’

We all knew from watching married couples bicker on House Hunters that real estate can be a messy business, but we never knew how messy until we met the stars of

Netflix’s Selling Sunset. Truly, it’s incredible the show’s subject brokerage, The Oppenheim Group, manages to sell anything at all, what with all the drama that’s pumped into the room. Nevertheless, agents including Mary Fitzgerald, Christine Quinn, Chrishell Stause, Maya Vander, and Heather Rae Young have become celebrities in their own right, and with celebrity status comes a platform to, well, say whatever you want.

On Tuesday, August 18, Quinn took that platform to Dear Media's Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast, where she exorcised some exasperation at the “favoritism” on the show. After recently dropping the bombshell that Brett Oppenheim, brother of founder Jason Oppenheim and former senior vice president of The Oppenheim Group, has left the show to start his own brokerage, Quinn said she’s tempted to follow.

On thepodcast, Quinn told interviewer Amanda Hirsch that both she and Young are considering leaving the group if Jason’s “favoritism” toward Fitzgerald continues. Key context: Jason and Fitzgerald used to date.

“I mean, Mary gets every single listing,” Quinn said, “and Jason just doesn't want to do work. So he just gives it to her. And it's just so frustrating. He doesn't give it to anyone else. So we're all just, like, sick of it...And we're all like, would you ever leave? Totally, like if this continues, if this favoritism continues we'd absolutely.”

Hirsch probed further, asking if Quinn thought the favoritism was because Jason was “still in love” with Fitzgerald.

“Yeah, I do. Yeah,” Quinn said initially, before backtracking and adding, “Well, like platonically, not like relationship wise.” Hirsch clarified, “If he wanted to wife anyone up, it would be her,” and Quinn replied, “Definitely.”

But rest assured: Just because Quinn is considering quitting the brokerage doesn’t mean she’d leave Selling Sunset altogether. She told Hirsch she’d leave “not the show but the agency.”

Jury’s still out on how exactly that would work, but considering Quinn told Glamour UK that Season 4 “may be the battle of the brokerages,” we could be looking forward to an Oppenheim Group stand-off. “I think season four is going to be the juiciest season ever,” Quinn added. Any chance the cameras can start rolling immediately?

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