Sustainable Fashion: SO-LE Studio for Vogue Talents February 2021

Sustainable Fashion: SO-LE Studio for Vogue Talents February 2021

Sustainable fashion: this is the main theme of Vogue Talents February issue. 

The Italian brand SO-LE Studio is one of the brands selected for the Vogue TalentsFebruary 2021 Issue. The designer

Maria Sole Ferragamo has told us about her work and her sustainable approach to fashion. 

“If I hadn’t spent my childhood summers in the sewing and assembly workshop learning how to make shoes, who knows if I’d taken leather as my starting point. First of all, I learnt to love this material and grow familiar with it: the smell and feel of it, the different varieties and its history. Then came the desire to protect and respect it, giving it new life in a piece ofjewellerywhere it could be the protagonist.”

“In SO-LE Studio we reuse a discarded resource to create our designs, giving leather new life in a piece of jewellery where it becomes the protagonist. I’ve always been fascinated by things whose appearance doesn’t immediately reveal what they really are. My jewellery looks like metal, but it’s actually light and soft. To obtain this effect, I often find and select hides that are already laminated, and sometimes we apply new customised treatments. Among the many techniques, we’ve experimented with aluminium powder, gold leaf and micro-crystals. The elasticity, meanwhile, is achieved thanks to my cuts, which I prefer to call signs. I conceive these geometries and patterns with software and then transfer them to the leather.”

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