Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus Monthly Horoscope


October Snapshot

Brace yourself for more wild astrological weather in October. Fortunately, with the Sun in balanced Libra and your sixth house of health, organization and systems for most of the month, you’ll be wearing a metaphorical raincoat and Wellies, with an umbrella hoisted overhead. Keep your eyes on the prize and stay focused on fundamentals—a steady pace will get you through safe and dry.

The month is bookended by two full moons, on Thursday, October 1, and Saturday, October 31—also known as a “blue moon” month. Even better? The Halloween lunar lights will beam into YOUR sign. Don’t be dismayed if the first couple weeks of the month feel boring or uneventful. The end of October will more than make up for it!

Mid-month, Mercury—the planet of communiclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" cation, technology and travel—will turn retrograde , a tricky time that can scramble signals and information. Mercury will reverse through Scorpio and your relationship house from Tuesday, October 13, to Tuesday, October 27. Then it will finish its retrograde in Libra and your wellness sector from Tuesday, October 27, through November 3.

Bolster your partnerships in the first half of the month by making sure communication is clear and everyone’s on the same page. Misunderstandings can flare once Mercury makes a U-turn, and you don’t need the drama! When the Sun moves into Scorpio for a month on October 22, dynamic duos can take flight. But you’ll have to navigate the mixed messages and delays that Mercury throws your way.

Make stress management a priority after Tuesday, October 27, because your health could suffer while Mercury’s retrograde in Libra. Can a Bull get a little help around here? Delegate instead of DIYing everything. The more support you have, the faster you’ll sail through any planetary pandemonium. Curveballs could arrive when the full moon unites with changemaker Uranus in Taurus on Halloween. Will it bring trick, treat…or a little bit of both?

Week 1: October 1-11
Let go and grow

The month gets off to an emotional start on Thursday, October 1, as the skies feature a full moon in Aries and your twelfth house of healing, closure and endings. Is it time to let something go? This full moon can give you the courage to walk away from a painful situation or struggle. You may feel you’re seeing a person’s true colors and ready to decide whether they’re on Team Taurus or not. But don’t rush to judgment. The tricky twelfth house can spin illusions. Follow your gut—but confirm any suspicions with facts.

Is an olive branch better than an “adios”? If you’re ready to finally heal a rift, this trailblazing moon can guide you toward forgiveness. Don’t forget to own up to your part. The sooner you take responsibility for how you contributed to a breakdown, the more willing the other person will be to do the same.

Look back to the Aries new moon on March 24 for clues about what might surface now. You may be feeling extra tired with this full moon in your restful twelfth house. Clear the decks for self-care and sleep. With your subconscious activated, you could have a huge epiphany that helps you get unstuck—but it won’t come from talking or racking your brain about it. Relax and allow the universe to supply that insight. Try drifting off to a meditation app like Aura or Smiling Mind.

On Sunday, October 4, powerhouse Pluto turns direct after a five-month retrograde through Capricorn and your ninth house of growth and expansion. Pluto will plow ahead alongside expansive Jupiter and structured Saturn, both also in Capricorn, until mid-December. It’s safe to take a leap of faith now, especially in the name of personal growth. A stalled venture related to travel, education or a startup business could make progress now, even if it means working around Covid restrictions. A long-distance client might come in, or you mclass="body-el-link standard-body-el-link" ay be inspired to continue your education online.

But watch out for a tricky square between pitiless Pluto and combative Mars on Friday, October 9. This is a rerun of the same fistfight these two volatile planets waged on August 13 in the very same signs. This time, though, Mars is retrograde and Pluto is moving forward—a reversal of their last grudge match.

During this fracas, something you’ve been upset about could boil up. If you feel bullied or intimidated, don’t stoop to their level by fighting dirty, even if it’s in self-defense. Add whatever love you can muster into the mix or simply walk away.

Week 2: October 12-18
Relationship review

When it comes to relationships, it could be time to review, renew, rewind or…cancel? On Tuesday, October 13, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde (backward) until November 3. For the first two weeks (until October 27), Mercury will reverse through Scorpio and your seventh house of committed partnerships.

Worried about where things are going with your most significant other? It’s only natural now. Unfortunately, when communicator Mercury is retrograde, even simple things can feel fuzzy and complicated, which could make you neurotic or obsessive. How about starting out with an honest check-in about where (and how) you and your partner see the two of you moving into the future?

If something sounds a bit off, now is actually a fine time to revisit old agreements, in business as well. There’s a chance you could come up with meaningful amendments that would be good for both of you. Whatever you decide, take the time to put it in writing. It’s amazing how things agreed upon during Mercury’s retrogrades can get played back later on down the road.

On Friday, October 16, the stars will deliver a once-a-year Libra new moon to your sensible and health-conscious sixth house. If you’ve put off fall organizing projects until now, you’ll be inspired to tackle them. This weekend will be a great time to organize, clear out the clutter and dive into the peskiest details of any important projects. During the next six months, that double-checking could turn into a big win, helping you reach a major goal. Revamping your eating and exercise habits will also pay off if you start today.

But before you go full Konmari, sign up for a heavy-duty work project or enroll in virtual sunrise boot camp, ask yourself whether you might be biting off more than you can chew. The Libra new moon will lock into a tricky square with Jupiter, Saturn AND Pluto, all in Capricorn and your big-picture ninth house. Don’t get so caught up in the minutiae that you lose sight of the greater vision or promise something you can’t humanly deliver on this timeline. Make sure you have generous room to revise, tweak and edit—and be sure to manage the expectations of anyone involved, whether it’s a client, coworker or support person.

Week 3: 19-25
Who’s on Team Taurus?

Slow down, Taurus. On Monday, October 19, combative Mars gets into another cosmic kerfuffle, this time with over-the-top Jupiter. Just as they did on August 4, these two impatient and rash planets will push dueling agendas. Mars in your twelfth house of rest and release is telling you to leave a toxic situation in the rearview or release your grip on a troubling situation you’re trying to control. But Jupiter in Capricorn and your adventurous ninth house keeps wanting to dive back into those risky and unpredictable waters.

Do you have a beloved pet project that hasn’t taken flight? An inspired new hire who never got in the groove? Trust your heart to tell you if it’s time to cut your losses. Sure, it might be painful, but if you’re certain there’s no more benefit to hanging on, now’s the time to move on—and trust that something better’s just around the corner.

Partnerships take center stage starting Thursday, October 22, when the Sun starts its annual trip through Scorpio and your seventh house of relationships and mutual agreements, staying until November 21. Dynamic duos can take flight now. Scorpio brings power to partnerships, so you may find your special someone is enjoying a boost in their own career. It can also bring jealousy or pet peeves a tad closer to the surface. Let the little things go—and focus on lifting each other even higher.

But go easy on making ironclad commitments while Mercury’s retrograde, especially since it’s backspinning through Scorpio until next week, doubling your chances of missing key intel when sealing a deal. Read through everything with extra care before you sign. Think twice before raising hot-button topics with an important person.

Week 4: October 26-31
Full moon fever

Order in the Taurus court! Guard against cosmic chaos early this week, especially starting Tuesday, October 27, when Mercury retrograde slips back a sign into Libra. Mercury will be in reverse until Saturday, November 3, so for the rest of this week, you’ll want to triple-check the details of everything.

With Mercury in your sixth house of wellness, chaos could spike your stress levels, putting your health at risk. More than ever, it’s important to guard against such breakdowns, so keep things simple and ramp up your self-care. If you’ve gotten a bit lax with your Covid precautions, work on picking up the slack this week. With beautifying Venus also entering Libra today, pampering yourself is paramount.

The biggest day of the month arrives on October 31, when Halloween’s Taurus full moon puts the spotlight directly on you. It’s a triple-big-deal for Taureans, so get ready to be the star of this lunar light! Not only is it a rare blue moon (the second of two full moons in one month), but it’s beaming in your sign—and it’s the only Halloween full moon visible to the entire globe since 1944.

One way or another, you’re going to shine, so feel free to go all out with decorations, and don’t worry if only your pod sees your awesome costume up-close. Center stage is your rightful place today! But don’t just waste your time basking in the glow of admiration. Use this cosmic spotlight to start formulating your next big goals.

Of course, as with all things October 2020, there’s a plot twist. Unpredictable Uranus, the planet of sudden change, will be exactly conjunct (united with) this full moon in Taurus. There could be a major curveball that goes along with today’s developments. If you’ve been waiting to pull the trigger on an exciting or attention-grabbing idea, this could be the day for your grand debut.


Love, actually? Venus is in fastidious Virgo and your seductive fifth house, raking in the romantic fall vibes from October 2 to 27. You’re ready to spruce up your style, pump up the passion and turn a few heads (yes, even in your mask, Taurus). Post some alluring pics on social media and have fun playing with new looks.

But take a moment, Bull: Do you have the energy for a hot pursuit? The other love planet, Mars, is making an extended trip through Aries and your twelfth house of rest and fantasy from June 27 to January 6. That’s already dialed down your natural vibrancy a bit or made you more introspective. And from September 9 to November 13, Mars is retrograde, which might make it trickier to get anything off the ground.

Mars in reverse in your twelfth house of hidden agendas could bring news out of the woodwork or the return of a tempting but toxic ex. You may feel unclear about which direction to take in love. When in doubt, wait it out. Nothing wrong with taking a bit of a break, diving into healing with therapy (couples or individual) or doing some serious self-inquiry work. This is a time to get in touch with who you really are and what your deepest needs are at a core level.

When Venus moves into Libra and your sixth house of good clean living from October 27 to November 27, self-care and soul-searching can bring your love life back onto more stable ground. Take things one day at a time and enjoy life’s simple pleasures with your partner. If you’re single, you could meet someone through healthy pursuits or through service work. Who says sparks can’t fly on a community-action Zoom committee call?

Some creaky skeletons could be buried in your closet—and at the October 31 Taurus full moon, which also conjuncts shock jock Uranus, they might pop out for an eye-opening Halloween epiphany. Do you have someone to forgive (yourself, maybe) or a piece of your past to resolve? Trick or treat indeed!

Key Dates:
October 10: Venus-Uranus trine

Anything goes under this electrifying alignment of your ruler, amorous Venus, and unpredictable Uranus in your sign. Single? A casual convo could quickly spark into seductively flirty banter, which could lead to…who knows? Attached? Cue up a sexy surprise for tonight!


October is a busy month with lots of little details to take care of—and you’re ready to get organized! With the Sun in Libra and your efficient, analytical sixth house until October 22, a fall cleanup of all your systems will get you back on track. Do that work before Mercury, the planet of technology and communication, turns retrograde (backward) from October 13 to November 3. Mercury’s mischief could mess with your data and complicate contract negotiations. Try to sign on the dotted line BEFORE the retrograde.

Key Dates:
October 15: Sun-Pluto square

Just because you see something doesn’t mean you’re required to say something! In fact, under today’s slippery clash, it’s better to keep your observations to yourself. With manipulative Pluto pulling the strings, it could turn out that the person you go running to is the mastermind of the whole scenario. Take notes for (possible) future reference, but for now, keep them private.

Love Days: 14, 18
Money Days: 7, 23
Luck Days: 4, 21
Off Days: 1, 16, 20

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