Toronto-based Brand Mayer Has Launched a Local Business-Focused Collection

Toronto-based Brand Mayer Has Launched a Local Business-Focused Collection

Photography courtesy of Mayer.

A portion of proceeds from sales will go to the meal service, Uplift Kitchen.

By Odessa Paloma Parker

Date October 6, 2020

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In an effort to shine a light on supporting the local businesses that have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, Toronto-based designer Ross Mayer was inspired to create a capsule collection called Local Lover, which features an assortment of message-emblazoned athleisure garments and a tote bag.

“I feel like 2020 is a watershed moment from a cultural standpoint,” Mayer said in a release about the offering, which launched online today. “COVID-19 has caused an economic crisis and at the same time there are massive, exciting cultural changes afoot. I thought it would be great to kick it off with a small capsule that would give people a way to spread the ‘shop local’ message. It’s a way to support the larger community of independent businesses and entrepreneurs who are struggling right now.”

toronto brand
Photography courtesy of Mayer.

As well as highlighting the fact that our neighbourhood haunts need ongoing attention, a portion of proceeds from sales of Local Lover pieces will go to Uplift Kitchen, an initiative focused on delivering meals to Black-identifying people in the Greater Toronto Area–a group that’s been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 in addition to continually facing the effects of systemic racism in all aspects of life.

“I first discovered Uplift Kitchen after watching a CTV segment that spotlighted what founders Antonia [Lawrence] and Emily [Carson] were doing, and it immediately struck a chord,” Mayer tells FASHION. “What I love about their mission is that they are a grassroots-form of charity, and it was the perfect pairing of local small business where we truly felt we could see a difference being made. Watching Uplift Kitchen start as a simple neighbourhood outreach and grow so quickly was nothing short of a call to action for the Mayer brand.”

To further amplify the message of locally-focused love, Mayer encourages those who’ve purchased an item from the new capsule to post with the hashtag #mylogoislocal.

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